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JuanC last won the day on January 12 2017

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Community Answers

  1. The realtime api is currently not supported in jChartFX, we have a tentative implementation for future builds. Because realtime sometimes mean different things to different people, can you describe your requirements including - How often will you obtain new data for the chart - Gallery type and other attributes you expect to use (include screenshots if possible) - Does the chart have a maximum number of points? Regards, JuanC
  2. If your chart has only 1 series, there is a workaround which is to try to show the labels on top of the bars except of bars that are too close to the top, unfortunately this is not a built in feature so you will have to loop through your values and adjust the per-point label attributes, e.g. something like this for(var i = 0; i < chart1.getData().getPoints(); i++) { var value = chart1.getData().getItem(0, i); if (Math.abs(value - max) <= factor) { chart1.getPoints().getItem(0, i).getPointLabels().setLineAlignment(cfx.StringAlignment.Near); } } Where max is the maximum of your data values and factor is calculated to make sure you only change the point label alignment for the values that are close to the top so are likely to get clipped in a scrolling chart. Regards, JuanC
  3. 1. Unfortunately scrolling is not supported in 3D charts, the reason for this is that in 2D we render all the points and when scrolling only change clipping and location of the viewport for performance reasons 2. Not sure what you mean by this, please provide screenshot. 3. About the labels, we do not consider the labels as part of the calculation of the Axis Min/Max so it is possible they will get clipped. The only workaround would be for you to set the Min/Max to ensure this does not happen. Regards, JuanC
  4. Are you using the most recent jChartFX version? If not I would first recommend you download it and try again with the updated scripts. We do have an angular2 typescript wrapper for our control but it is not feature complete and has not been tested in recent angular versions, if you are interested in trying this please send me a message. Regards, JuanC
  5. I was checking the source of our motifs and the code that uses toUpperCase is generally associated with code that tries to customize the look of the control when the object is created. Are you passing any parameters to the new cfx.Chart() call ? PS: You might want to try making a backup copy of your jChartFX scripts and downloading our most recent build from jchartfx.com Regards, JuanC
  6. Can you please let us know the version of jchartfx you are using alert(cfx.Version); Also can you duplicate this problem with a dummy chart on a test page? The minimum set of files you would need to create a chart with a specific motif are jchartfx.system.js, jchartfx.coreVector.js and jchartfx.motif.hook.js Regards, JuanC
  7. I would recommend making a backup copy of the jChartFX scripts you are using and download the most recent build, the build you are using is from 2015 so there have been several fixes as well as new functionality. You can download it at www.jchartfx.com, I will pass the outdated nuget information so that we can update it. Regards, JuanC
  8. I tried the code you attached and I am able to see the gauge. I only added a div to host the gauge control and the call to SetUpGauge when the document is ready. <div id="gauge" style="width:200px;height:200px;display:inline-block"></div> I would recommend you try alert(cfx.gauge.Version); and include the version reported, also if your js files are very old I would recommend downloading updated versions in case it is something that has already been fixed. Regards, JuanC
  9. You should be able to use jChartFX in any HTML based mobile platform, we have not tested Ionic but as long as they support plain javascript it should work. Sometimes a "wrapper" might be needed for certain web platforms, e.g. we have tested a wrapper to use jChartFX in Angular. As far as I know, Xamarin is more a native framework, we have an iOS native component as well as a beta Android component that could be used inside native platforms such as Xamarin or React Native. Regards, JuanC
  10. We are researching this issue, in the meantime, if you know your min and max are fixed you can set the major step as follows scale.getTickmarks().getMajor().setStep(10); Regards, JuanC
  11. There are 2 things in play in your code 1) There is a bug that will prevent you from using a field whose first value is null, we have fixed it internally so we expect to have a new build soon 2) Even with that bug fixed, our behavior to automatically use fields as values to be plotted or labels is to check the value for all the fields for the first object in the array, because of this the automatic detection will not work in your scenario. and you will have to explicitly tell us the fields you want to use, e.g. add this code before setDataSource var fieldMap; var fields = chart1.getDataSourceSettings().getFields(); fieldMap = new cfx.FieldMap(); fieldMap.setName("john smith"); fieldMap.setUsage(cfx.FieldUsage.Value); fields.add(fieldMap); fieldMap = new cfx.FieldMap(); fieldMap.setName("jane doe"); fieldMap.setUsage(cfx.FieldUsage.Value); fields.add(fieldMap); fieldMap = new cfx.FieldMap(); fieldMap.setName("paulie walnuts"); fieldMap.setUsage(cfx.FieldUsage.Value); fields.add(fieldMap); fieldMap = new cfx.FieldMap(); fieldMap.setName("Date"); fieldMap.setUsage(cfx.FieldUsage.XValue); fields.add(fieldMap); There is a workaround which should work on your bits which is to replace the value for any null field in the first object in your data array with cfx.Chart.Hidden, e.g. if your data was declared like this, you would get the expected result var items = [{ 'john smith' : cfx.Chart.Hidden, 'jane doe' : 30, 'paulie walnuts' : 50, 'Date' : '2018-03-01' }, { 'john smith' : 50, 'jane doe' : 20, 'paulie walnuts' : 10, 'Date' : '2018-03-02' }, { 'john smith' : 20, 'jane doe' : 10, 'paulie walnuts' : 60, 'Date' : '2018-03-03' }]; Regards, JuanC
  12. Can you post a small client side script with hardcoded data that reproduces your issue, e.g. chart1.setDataSource([{"Value":10, "Label":"January"},{"Value":12, "Label":"February"},{"Value":18, "Label":"March"}, {"Value":6, "Label":"April"}, {"Value":8, "Label":"June"},{"Value":13, "Label":"July"}, {"Value":24, "Label":"August"},{"Value":21, "Label":"September"},{"Value":19, "Label":"October"}]); Regards, JuanC
  13. I would suggest you change your code so that chart.create is the last thing you do. The way you are doing it now, when you call chart.create we "render" the current plot (random data) and then your subsequent api calls will mark the chart as dirty so it will be repainted. This may cause some flickering on slow devices. To capture clicks, you need to use attach to the click event, note that the code is slightly different whether you are using jQuery or not. var divHolder = document.getElementById('ChartDiv');chart1.create(divHolder); if (window["jQuery"]) { $("#ChartDiv").click(doClick); } else { divHolder.onclick = doClick; } function doClick(evt) { console.log("Click on " + evt.series + " , " + evt.point); } Note that attaching to click event is one of the few things that HAS to be done after chart create is called. Also note that a click in the legend marker will generate evt.point="-1" and evt.series will hold the series index where a click on a bar/marker would set evt.point with the point index. I noticed that for now you cannot click on the legend text. We should be fixing this in a future build. Regards, JuanC
  14. We consider tooltips a popup window that appears when you hover over a chart point/bar. Can you describe exactly what you mean by "how to configure and display the tooltip on the top"? If possible try to include diagrams or pictures to explain what you are looking for. Regards, JuanC
  15. jChartFX can work with or without jQuery. We only interact with it to send mouse click events the "jQuery" way. We used to offer a jQueryUI plugin (jchartfx.ui.js) but this is not supported anymore. Regards, JuanC
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