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Everything posted by JuanC

  1. chart1.getToolTips().setEnabled(false); JuanC
  2. We are testing internally a fix for this issue, it seems to be a weird issue where IE10 seems to run incorrectly code that looks like the following iSig = 1; for (j = nFirst,i = 0; i < total; i++, j += (pointCount + iSig)) { j = j % pointCount; // Other code here with a couple of continue statements // and a statement that sets iSig to -1 } The strangest part is that this code is used to paint the pie slices regardless of the animation settings, but when run multiple times it seems to "optimize" the j+= statement so it does not picks up the change to iSig. Somehow this seems to fix it. iSig = 1; for (j = nFirst - iSig,i = 0; i < total; i++) { j = j + (pointCount + iSig); j = j % pointCount; // Other code here with a couple of continue statements // and a statement that sets iSig to -1 } We will post more info as soon as we determine whether this was in fact the issue. JuanC
  3. I am not 100% sure I understand the chart you are trying to achieve, can you post a mockup (paintbrush, excel, etc.) along with how your data model looks like? JuanC
  4. There is not a specific JSON format for scatter (or multi series charts), but you have to use the fields map API to tell us how to use each field, e.g. var items = [{"X":5, "Y":15},{"X":6, "Y":9},{"X":8, "Y":18}]; chart1.setDataSource(items); var fields = chart1.getDataSourceSettings().getFields(); var field1 = new cfx.FieldMap(); field1.setName("Y"); field1.setUsage(cfx.FieldUsage.Value); fields.add(field1); var field2 = new cfx.FieldMap(); field2.setName("X"); field2.setUsage(cfx.FieldUsage.XValue); fields.add(field2); Regards, JuanC
  5. In order to duplicate and try to fix the issue we need a sample HTML page that exhibits the problem, the bug is likely due to the structure of your page and attributes of the div 'ChartDiv' along with its parents. If possible try posting a sample HTML page as an attachment or email one to support at softwarefx dot com Regards, JuanC
  6. Our next build will be compatible with jQuery UI up to 1.10.3 (current stable version) JuanC
  7. Have you checked if your are setting both setMin and setMax ? JuanC
  8. You can remove the border as follows chart1.setBorder(null); To remove the border you have a couple of options, if you are using our CSS you can edit it and make sure the fill for .jchartfx .Border is set to the same color as your page or transparent. If you are not using our CSS you can use. In general if you include our CSS that would be the way to change colors, line widths, etc. If you do not include our CSS then you can use our API to change those visual properties. chart1.setBackColor("#00FFFFFF"); To remove the legend box chart1.getLegendBox().setVisible(false); To show and change the text for the labels chart1.getAllSeries().getPointLabels().setVisible(true); chart1.getAllSeries().getPointLabels().setFormat("%l, %v"); Tooltips are handled automatically by the library, you can change the text that appears for the tooltips using our API or handling an event. We do not have special support for labels but you can handle an event when the user clicks on a bar/marker Unfortunately there is no property to make sure labels do not overlap. To change the number of decimals shown for the point labels chart1.getAxisY().getLabelsFormat().setDecimals(2); Regards, JuanC
  9. We have fixed a couple of issues related to div positioning. Can you post a small HTML sample that duplicates your issue? Have you downloaded 7.1? Regards, JuanC
  10. We are researching this issue. It is likely a rounding bug and we expect to have it fixed for our next build. JuanC
  11. Unfortunately this is currently not supported. We will consider this feature for future builds. JuanC
  12. We are considering it, unfortunately when doing charts in HTML5 we chose SVG over Canvas. One of the things that would be very easy to do in Canvas would be to export the chart as an image. It is not as simple (AFAIK) when using SVG so we are trying to figure out how to support this in the future. JuanC
  13. You have to include jchartfx.animation.js, animations also are disabled by default so you have to enable them. chart1.getAnimations().getLoad().setEnabled(true); In future builds we will also support animations when the data is changed (as long as the number of points and series remains the same). JuanC
  14. We have fixed an issue that currently prevents jChartFX to be used in a Windows Store App. This should be supported in our next public build (that will include several new features as well). Regards, JuanC
  15. I apologize for the incorrect documentation. At this point it is NOT possible to export the chart in any format. JuanC
  16. You have to be a little more specific so that we can help you better. If you mean that you want the axis labels (or other labels) to go right-to-left, we currently do not support right-to-left text. If you mean that you want to right align axis labels or point labels there are properties in the API to achieve this. JuanC
  17. We have not tried to integrate jChartFX yet with a Windows Store App. Are you including jchartfx.system.js? JuanC
  18. Are you including jChartFX.CoreVector3d.js in your page? You have to do so to create 3D charts when using CoreVector, this was done to keep the core javascript files as small as possible. JuanC
  19. You can control the size of the legend box by setting its width/height property (depending on the legend position being Right-Left/Top-Bottom) chart1.getLegendBox().setWidth(100); Please note that the legend box does not support scrolling so if you have several series and not enough space, the contents of the legend box will be clipped. You can also hide the legend box if desired. JuanC
  20. Set the Y axis inverted property to true chart1.getAxisY().setInverted(true); JuanC
  21. In a single series chart you can increase the empty space between bars (making the bars thinner) by decreasing the volume property in the all series object, e.g. chart.getAllSeries().setVolume(40); This number is a percentage. 100 would give you no empty space between bars. Please note that the distance between the middle of a bar and the next will not change, only the empty space. JuanC
  22. The data you posted in this sample only has 1 series (called number) so the intraSeriesGap property will not apply, try setting data with 2 series, e.g. [{"type":"Internal", "number1":5, "number2":8}, ... To see how the intraSeriesGap is applied, note that this property is in pixels. JuanC
  23. You can set the fonts using our API (see docs for details), please note that in order to set visual properties programatically (colors, fonts, etc.) you must NOT include jchartfx.css JuanC
  24. I am not sure I understand the problem, please try posting an image and point out the problem in it. JuanC
  25. Please let us know the browsers you are using and the version of jQuery so that we can try to recreate your environment JuanC
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