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  1. Sure, this example built up using the 'Getting Started' guide seems to exhibit the same behaviour: <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/chartfx.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jchartfx.system.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jchartfx.coreVector.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> var chart1; function loadChart() { chart1 = new cfx.Chart(); chart1.getData().setSeries(2); chart1.getAxisY().setMin(500); chart1.getAxisY().setMax(2000); var series1 = chart1.getSeries().getItem(0); var series2 = chart1.getSeries().getItem(1); series1.setGallery(cfx.Gallery.Lines); series2.setGallery(cfx.Gallery.Bar); var divHolder = document.getElementById('ChartDiv'); chart1.create(divHolder); var data = [ { "Month": "Jan", "Bikes": 1800, "Parts": 1300 }, { "Month": "Feb", "Bikes": 1760, "Parts": 900 }, { "Month": "Mar", "Bikes": 1740, "Parts": 970 }, { "Month": "Apr", "Bikes": 1750, "Parts": 1010}, { "Month": "May", "Bikes": 1810, "Parts": 1070 }, { "Month": "Jun", "Bikes": 1920, "Parts": 1180 } ]; chart1.setDataSource(data); } </script> </head> <body onload="loadChart()"> <div id="ChartDiv" style="width:600px;height:400px;display:inline-block"></div> </body> It does load the data correctly, but just before it does, it displays some random-looking data with two generic series (Series 1 & Series 2). I've got some screenshots that I quickly grabbed as it was loading if you want me to send them somewhere. Every time I reload the page, the 'random' data is different. This is using IE9, Chrome and Firefox. I'm using jChartFX version 7.1.5044. Thanks!
  2. Hi When my page loads, for a split-second the chart shows random/sample data before my 'real' data is loaded. Can I turn this off? Thanks
  3. Thanks JuanC. I couldn't see any examples with that exact format so this is very helpful. As an aside, I'm also having trouble with the main website (where all the examples are). Was working yesterday so maybe a temporary glitch.
  4. Hi I'm new to JChartFX and I'm trying to do a line chart with multiple lines on it, with dates along the X axis. I've got one line displaying correctly using this format: var data = [ {"Date": "2013-11-11T12:00:00.000Z", "Value": 4 }, {"Date": "2013-11-11T14:00:00.000Z", "Value": 17 }, {"Date": "2013-11-11T15:00:00.000Z", "Value": 8 }, {"Date": "2013-11-11T16:00:00.000Z", "Value": 1 } ]; The values above represent 'successful logins over time'. How do I format the data for a second line on my graph to show 'failed logins over time'? Thanks
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