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Posts posted by Bogdan

  1. Hi. I just started checking out jchartfx to see if it suits our needs and while it looks promising there are a couple of questions that I need sorting out.


    • Is there a way to remove the background and border of the chart?
    • Can I remove the legend and incorporate it into the label somehow? Funnel charts are quite big and the legend takes up a lot of space. I was thinking of making the labels look like "Item name, value".
    • Is there a fast way to add tooltips and links to the labels/sections of the funnel (and bars/slices for bar/pie charts) or do I have to implement them myself?
    • And lastly; Is there a way to make sure the value labels don't overlap? The labels overlap badly in the case of funnel charts with small sections.
    • I almost forgot: What kind of formatting do you use with the chart1.getAllSeries().getPointLabels().setFormat(); methods? I want to format it as float with two decimal digits if possible, or just float and i'll calculate within two decimals myself if needed. Your example uses %v but that doesn't show decimals at all.
    Thanks in advance.


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