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Everything posted by s.bhadkaria

  1. I m using AJAX to load the Chart container div inside a parent page (its a single page application - url doesnot change). Below is the error that I am getting in Chrome. Uncaught TypeError: Object function () { var o = new Object(); for (var property in this) { if (typeof (this[property]) == 'object') { if (this[property] != null) o[property] = this[property].clone(); else o[property] = null; } else o[property] = this[property]; } return o; } has no method 'SB' Please help me to understand the issue. Note : It works in chrome or FF when I dont use Ajax to load the page. Thanks Saurabh
  2. Hi thanks for the reply. The html page (result.aspx) where the chart needs to be shown is actually loaded using ajax. (might be causing the issue). The jchartfx javascript library is actually on the parent.aspx page. Library includes Looks like the ajax is causing the issue. Thanks Saurabh
  3. I am trying a very simple example and trying to set JSON data to setDataSource. SetDataSource is throwing some javascript errors. Below is the code var chart1; function loadLineChart111() { chart1 = new cfx.Chart(); chart1.getData().setSeries(2); chart1.getAxisY().setMin(500); chart1.getAxisY().setMax(2000); var series1 = chart1.getSeries().getItem(0); var series2 = chart1.getSeries().getItem(1); series1.setGallery(cfx.Gallery.Lines); series2.setGallery(cfx.Gallery.Bar); var data = [ { "Month": "Jan", "Bikes": 1800, "Parts": 1300 }, { "Month": "Feb", "Bikes": 1760, "Parts": 900 }, { "Month": "Mar", "Bikes": 1740, "Parts": 970 }, { "Month": "Apr", "Bikes": 1750, "Parts": 1010 }, { "Month": "May", "Bikes": 1810, "Parts": 1070 }, { "Month": "Jun", "Bikes": 1920, "Parts": 1180 } ]; chart1.setDataSource(data); var divHolder = document.getElementById('ChartDiv'); chart1.create(divHolder); } please let me know if i am missing something Thanks Saurabh ChartFX_PrintPage.zip
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