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Everything posted by Hsakarp

  1. Thanks JuanC.I have tried the same by removing @{..} code.But still its throwing the same error. A smal update from my side. I have try running the same HTML outside visual studio(as Independent file).It works fine.Then inside VS i have try adding the Meta tags <meta content="IE=9" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />. Then it works fine.But even that code doesnt make the MVC app to work.
  2. I have just started with Jchatfx and trying to create on sample page.I amgoing through http://support.softwarefx.com/jChartFX/article/2501235#2d0978a4-8c87-e211-84a5-0019b9e6b500 and i have created a view(trying to avhieve it in MVC3).While running the application am getting error saying SCRIPT5007: Unable to get value of the property 'call': object is null or undefined jchartfx.coreBasic.js, line 398 character 194 here is my html @{ ViewBag.Title = "Index"; Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml"; } <! DOCTYPE html> < link href="../../ChartCss/jchartfx.css" rel="stylesheet" /> < script src="../../ChartScripts/jchartfx.system.js"></script> < script src="../../ChartScripts/jchartfx.coreBasic.js"></script> < h2>Charts Demo</h2> < div id="ChartDiv" style="width: 600px; height: 400px; display: inline-block"></div> < script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready( function () { loadChart(); }); var chart1; function loadChart() { chart1 = new cfx.Chart(); chart1.getData().setSeries(2); chart1.getAxisY().setMin(500); chart1.getAxisY().setMax(2000); var series1 = chart1.getSeries().getItem(0); var series2 = chart1.getSeries().getItem(1); series1.setGallery(cfx.Gallery.Lines); series2.setGallery(cfx.Gallery.Bar); var data = [ { "Month": "Jan", "Bikes": 1800, "Parts": 1300 }, { "Month": "Feb", "Bikes": 1760, "Parts": 900 }, { "Month": "Mar", "Bikes": 1740, "Parts": 970 }, { "Month": "Apr", "Bikes": 1750, "Parts": 1010 }, { "Month": "May", "Bikes": 1810, "Parts": 1070 }, { "Month": "Jun", "Bikes": 1920, "Parts": 1180 } ]; chart1.setDataSource(data); var divHolder = document.getElementById('ChartDiv'); chart1.create(divHolder); } </ script> Is that anything i am missing to give reference?.
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