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Posts posted by o1webdawg

  1.  Thank you very much.  That got rid of the error.

     However, instead of a bar chart I got a line chart.


    This is what I have now:


    var chart = new cfx.Chart();


    Why does this look entirely different without jQueryUI?  I expected it may not look exactly the same, but I thought it would at least be a bar chart.

  2.  Hi Everyone,

     Our developers created all of our charts using the jQuery UI syntax.

     We are switching our UI framework and now I need to fix all of the broken charts to make them work without jQuery UI.

     We are still using jQuery, but just not the UI.


    I am having a very hard time figuring out what part of our javascript is specific to jQuery UI.  

    Can someone tell me how to re-write the following chart code to remove the parts relying on jQuery UI?



                gallery: cfx.Gallery.Bar,
            titles: [{ text: "Monthly Sales - 2014"}],
            dataValues: monthlylist,
            axisY : {
              dataFormat: {
                format: cfx.AxisFormat.Currency
              labelsFormat: {
                format: cfx.AxisFormat.Currency
            animations: {
              load: {
                enabled: true

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