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  1. Thanks, it work great. My plots are enclosed in a function loadChart(){} window.onload function in order to avoid adding the onload attribute in the <body> tag, which is something I can't do it. Now I've moved the variables right before the loadChart() function. I didn't pay attention to the fact that the variable was inside a function, I'm not by any means a js expert. Thanks
  2. I'm using the last jchartfx build. I thought that chart1 stood for the div id and not the result of cfx.Chart(). I tried using the actual chart name, from var chartok = new cfx.Chart(); but I got a: chartok is not defined error.
  3. Thanks for your fast answer. I tried, but Firebug console throws an error: TypeError: ChartDiv1.doUpdate is not a function I wonder if the function is obfuscated in the most recent version of jchartfx?
  4. My websites features jQuery and a responsive layout. How can I make the plot automatically resize itself? <div id="ChartDiv1" style="width:99%;height:400px"></div> This is the only element of the website that doesn't resize dinamically whenever I change the size of the browser's window.
  5. Hi, I've noticed that the tooltips don't appear on single-serie line charts if I disable the shadows series1.setGallery(cfx.Gallery.Lines); series1.getGalleryAttributes().setTemplate("LineBasic"); This happens on both IE10 and FE33. On the other hand, while working without tooltips on IE and FF, the code totally fails on jsfiddle. Any hints? Thanks var mychart = new cfx.Chart(); var titles = mychart.getTitles(); var title = new cfx.TitleDockable(); title.setText("title"); titles.add(title); mychart.getData().setSeries(1); mychart.getAxisY().getDataFormat().setDecimals(1); mychart.getLegendBox().setDock(cfx.DockArea.Bottom); var series1 = mychart.getSeries().getItem(0); var data = [ { "Anno": "2000", "% value": 0.32 }, { "Anno": "2001", "% value": 5.8 }, { "Anno": "2002", "% value": 9.3 }, { "Anno": "2003", "% value": 7.1 }, { "Anno": "2004", "% value": 7.4 }, { "Anno": "2005", "% value": 7.4 }, { "Anno": "2006", "% value": 8.9 }, { "Anno": "2007", "% value": 11.5 }, { "Anno": "2008", "% value": 13.95 }, { "Anno": "2009", "% value": 18.54 }, { "Anno": "2010", "% value": 17.39 }, { "Anno": "2011", "% value": 18.05 }, { "Anno": "2012", "% value": 21.25 }, { "Anno": "2013", "% value": 20.74 }, ]; mychart.setDataSource(data); var divHolder = document.getElementById('ChartDiv1'); //series1.setGallery(cfx.Gallery.Lines); //series1.getGalleryAttributes().setTemplate("LineBasic"); mychart.create(divHolder);
  6. Thanks. In the meanwhile, I'd better disable shadows. Desktop.zip
  7. Hello, thank you so much for your answer. I appreciate the fact that you'll consider the tooltip feature request. You're right, the shadow looks ok with IE11. It's really nice. However, I took the screenshoot using FF28 (Win 7x64). I wonder if FF is the culprit. Source code: http://pastebin.com/pDLKg7a2
  8. Hi, I've searched through examples, but I couldn't find a solution. How do I remove the (don't get me wrong) ugly shadow that appears if I switch from coreBasic to coreVector? How can I dinamically sort the y-axis values in the tooltip, so that they are always displayed from the smallest to the biggest value? Thanks in advance
  9. Fixed. Let $arrData be the 2-dim php array, "Amgle of Attack" the x value and "Lift coefficient" the y value: $liftcurve_plot[$i] = "{\"Angle of Attack\": \"".$arrData[$i][1]."\", \"Lift coefficient\": ".$arrData[$i][2]."}"; //plot Then: var data = [ <?php echo implode($liftcurve_plot, ','); ?> ]; Et voil
  10. Hi, my PHP script generates a bi-dimensional array. Jchartfx uses JSON as main way to populate graphs, I used json_encode php() function. The result is: {"-2":{"Angle of Attack":-2,"Lift coefficient":-0.092},"-1":{"Angle of Attack":-1,"Lift coefficient":0.019},"0":{"Angle of Attack":0,"Lift coefficient":0.131},"1":{"Angle of Attack":1,"Lift coefficient":0.241},"2":{"Angle of Attack":2,"Lift coefficient":0.353},"3":{"Angle of Attack":3,"Lift coefficient":0.464},"4":{"Angle of Attack":4,"Lift coefficient":0.574},"5":{"Angle of Attack":5,"Lift coefficient":0.686},"6":{"Angle of Attack":6,"Lift coefficient":0.797},"7":{"Angle of Attack":7,"Lift coefficient":0.908},"8":{"Angle of Attack":8,"Lift coefficient":1.019},"9":{"Angle of Attack":9,"Lift coefficient":1.131},"10":{"Angle of Attack":10,"Lift coefficient":1.241},"11":{"Angle of Attack":11,"Lift coefficient":1.353},"12":{"Angle of Attack":12,"Lift coefficient":1.464},"13":{"Angle of Attack":13,"Lift coefficient":1.575}} Let's put it in a more readable way: Array ( [-2] => Array ( [Angle of Attack] => -2 [Lift coefficient] => -0.092 ) [-1] => Array ( [Angle of Attack] => -1 [Lift coefficient] => 0.019 ) [0] => Array ( [Angle of Attack] => 0 [Lift coefficient] => 0.131 ) ...up to the N-th element of the array. How do I dinamically pass the JSON bi-dimensional array to jchartfx, which uses js scripts? var data = [ { "Angle of Attack": "xxx", "Lift coefficient": yyy }, { "Angle of Attack": "xxx", "Lift coefficient": yyy }, { "Angle of Attack": "xxx", "Lift coefficient": yyy }, { "Angle of Attack": "xxx", "Lift coefficient": yyy }, { "Angle of Attack": "xxx", "Lift coefficient": yyy }, { "Angle of Attack": "xxx", "Lift coefficient": yyy } ]; liftcurve.setDataSource(data); I wonder if saving the JSON bi-dimensional array to a file and then loading the same JSON file with jchartfx would do the trick. However, I couldn't understand how to use the jquery example described at: http://support.softwarefx.com/jChartFX/article/2601043#fb9ec7bf-1b86-e211-84a5-0019b9e6b500 $.ajax({ url : ("/services/SamplesService.asmx/jChartFXDataSvc"), data : "{'year':'2011'}", type : "POST", contentType : "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType : "json", success : function (result) { chart1 .setDataSource(result.d); }, error : function (xhr, txt, err) { alert ("error connecting to data: " + txt); } }); Thanks in advance
  11. Juan, than you so much for your answer. Needless to say, it works great.
  12. Hi, let's say I have a chart with three different series, one in the 0-100 range and two in the 10000-50000 range: http://jsfiddle.net/YQby7/69/ chartnaplon = new cfx.Chart(); var titles = chartnaplon.getTitles(); var title = new cfx.TitleDockable(); title.setText("Title"); titles.add(title); chartnaplon.getData().setSeries(3); chartnaplon.getAxisY().setMin(0); chartnaplon.getAxisY().setMax(500000); chartnaplon.getLegendBox().setDock(cfx.DockArea.Bottom); var series1 = chartnaplon.getSeries().getItem(0); var series2 = chartnaplon.getSeries().getItem(1); var series3 = chartnaplon.getSeries().getItem(2); series1.setGallery(cfx.Gallery.Lines); series2.setGallery(cfx.Gallery.Lines); series3.setGallery(cfx.Gallery.Lines); var data = [ { "Year": "1983", "SeriesA": 182437, "SeriesB": 0, "SeriesC": 0 }, { "Year": "1993", "SeriesA": 23, "SeriesB": 39971, "SeriesC": 0 }, { "Year": "2003", "SeriesA": 45, "SeriesB": 15572, "SeriesC": 27712 }, { "Year": "2004", "SeriesA": 54, "SeriesB": 17737, "SeriesC": 31559 }, { "Year": "2005", "SeriesA": 48, "SeriesB": 18765, "SeriesC": 25900 }, { "Year": "2006", "SeriesA": 4, "SeriesB": 31368, "SeriesC": 28900 }, { "Year": "2007", "SeriesA": 44, "SeriesB": 25184, "SeriesC": 28900 }, { "Year": "2008", "SeriesA": 42, "SeriesB": 22869, "SeriesC": 28800 }, { "Year": "2009", "SeriesA": 45, "SeriesB": 25074, "SeriesC": 23600 }, { "Year": "2010", "SeriesA": 5, "SeriesB": 27459, "SeriesC": 26500 }, { "Year": "2011", "SeriesA": 51, "SeriesB": 29687, "SeriesC": 31000 }, { "Year": "2012", "SeriesA": 5, "SeriesB": 30057, "SeriesC": 30400 }, { "Year": "2013", "SeriesA": 49, "SeriesB": 31427, "SeriesC": 35670 } ]; chartnaplon.setDataSource(data); var divHolder = document.getElementById('ChartDiv1'); chartnaplon.create(divHolder); How can I set different a scale for Serie A, and a second scale for Series B and C? I tried to check jchartfx demos, but to be honest I haven't been able to adapt the examples to my chart. Thanks in advance
  13. Hi, I've just installed jchartfx and its ease of use and learning curve are awesome. I enclosed the charts in a few DIVs: <div id="ChartDiv2" style="width:99%;height:400px"></div><br /> They look OK on a computer. See the demo page: http://www.flapane.com/stats_aeroporto_capodichino.php However, I noticed that if the title is long and if you see the charts on a smartphone, a part of the title remains hidden, as shown in this screenshoot: I tried this CSS rule, without luck: .jchartfx .Title { overflow:hidden; width:19%; } Any hints? Thanks
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