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Everything posted by Miguel

  1. Hello, Is it possible to change the colour of a axis tittle? Thanks in advance
  2. Hello, I'm trying to paint a chart with two X axis. Both of them will be Date axis. In the first X-axis, I want to display hours with a certain step. In the second one, I want to display the month with another step. How could I do this? This is the code about the X-axis: var axis = chart1.getAxisX(); axis.getLabelsFormat().setFormat(cfx.AxisFormat.Time); axis.setStep(19); axis.getLabelsFormat().setCustomFormat("HH:mm"); chart1.getAxisX().getGrids().setInterlaced(false); var axisX2 = new cfx.AxisX(); chart1.getAxesX().add(axisX2); axisX2.setVisible(true); axisX2.getLabelsFormat().setFormat(cfx.AxisFormat.Time); axisX2.getLabelsFormat().setCustomFormat("MM-dd"); axisX2.getGrids().setInterlaced(false); axisX2.getGrids().getMajor().setVisible(false); axisX2.setPosition(cfx.AxisPosition.Far); axisX2.setStyle(cfx.AxisStyles.Centered); I only get to display de first X axis. Why I cant display nothing in the second one? Thanks
  3. Hi!! I'm still working with my date chart and I don't get to draw a correct X-axis. I have the next dataSource; [{AirTemperature: "20.9852222222222
  4. Thanks for your reply. It'works. But I have some doubts about my X-axis. I have date values of three diferent days, and I want to paint values that represent the hour, with a interval of 4 hour(00:00,04:00,08:00.......). And I would like another x-axis, placed above of the chart, with the 3 diferents days of my dataset. Would It be this possible? I only get to paint 1 X-axis with 2 values (02:00,02:00) and I don't know why paint this values. If I change the step of the axis- I can't see anything. Some idea. The series are correct, It only doesn't work the X-axis value. Thanks in advance.
  5. Hello everybody, I'm trying to paint a chart with three Y-axis and a Date X-axis. When I parse my Json, I have this data array: var items = [ {"CoplanarIrradiance": 760,"AirTemperature": 35,"SurfaceTemperature": 32,"Time": "2014-Apr-27T18:15:00"}, {"CoplanarIrradiance": 460,"AirTemperature": 25,"SurfaceTemperature": 31,"Time": "2014-Apr-27T18:30:00"}, {"CoplanarIrradiance": 34,"AirTemperature": 2,"SurfaceTemperature": 32,"Time": "2014-Apr-27T18:45:00"}, {"CoplanarIrradiance": ,"AirTemperature": ,"SurfaceTemperature": 32,"Time": "2014-Apr-27T19:00:00"}, ... ] But I don't get to paint the chart. It only appears the X-axis, and it's incorrect. This is my code: chart1.setDataSource(data); // Eje de Tiempo (X) var axis = chart1.getAxisX().getLabelsFormat().setFormat(cfx.AxisFormat.Date); chart1.getAxisX().getLabelsFormat().setCustomFormat(";MMM-dd"); // Eje de Coplanar Irradiance(Y) var axis1 = chart1.getAxisY(); axis1.getTitle().setText("Coplanar Irradiance (W/m2)"); axis1.getGrids().getMajor().setVisible(false); axis1.getDataFormat().setFormat(cfx.AxisFormat.Number); axis1.getDataFormat().setDecimals(2); // Eje de Air Temperature (Y) var axis2 = chart1.getAxisY2(); axis2.getTitle().setText("Air Temperature ©"); axis2.setPosition(cfx.AxisPosition.Near); axis2.getGrids().getMajor().setVisible(false); chart1.getAxisY2().getDataFormat().setFormat(cfx.AxisFormat.Number); axis2.getDataFormat().setDecimals(2); // Eje de Surface Temperature (Y) var axis3 = new cfx.AxisY(); chart1.getAxesY().add(axis3); axis3.getTitle().setText("Surface Temperature ©"); axis3.setVisible(true); axis3.setPosition(cfx.AxisPosition.Far); axis3.getLabelsFormat().setFormat(cfx.AxisFormat.Number); axis3.getDataFormat().setDecimals(2); // Especificamos que hay tres series de datos. chart1.getData().setSeries(3); var series1 = chart1.getSeries().getItem(0); var series2 = chart1.getSeries().getItem(1); var series3 = chart1.getSeries().getItem(2); series1.setAxisY(axis1); series2.setAxisY(axis2); series3.setAxisY(axis3); series1.setGallery(cfx.Gallery.Lines); series2.setGallery(cfx.Gallery.Lines); series3.setGallery(cfx.Gallery.Lines); // ----Assign data fields-------- var fields = chart1.getDataSourceSettings().getFields(); var field = new cfx.FieldMap(); var field2 = new cfx.FieldMap(); var field3 = new cfx.FieldMap(); field.setName("CoplanarIrradiance"); field.setUsage(cfx.FieldUsage.Number); fields.add(field); field2.setName("AirTemperature"); field2.setUsage(cfx.FieldUsage.Number); fields.add(field2); field3.setName("SurfaceTemperature"); field3.setUsage(cfx.FieldUsage.Number); fields.add(field3); var legendBox = chart1.getLegendBox(); legendBox.setDock(cfx.DockArea.Bottom); legendBox.setContentLayout(cfx.ContentLayout.Center); // ----Set Sample Data------------ var divHolder = document.getElementById('meteo_pop_up_grafica_imagen'); chart1.create(divHolder); And this is the result chart: What is the problem? The dataset is correct. Thanks in advance
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