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Everything posted by ChrisS

  1. Hi, I'm running into a problem displaying a chart with setStep and setLabelAngle both set. Attached is a sample file that shows the error (an alert catches the error). When you comment out either the setStep() or the setLabelAngle() statement the chart does display, but not in the format I need. If setStep() is left out then jchartfx defaults to calculating it on it's own and doesn't display all of the labels. If setLabelAngle is left out then the axisX labels all overlap and they are unreadable. Curiously, this worked fine in the last release; since we upgraded to the latest release (7.5.5900.27885) we have been receiving the error. Any help would be greatly appreciated. jChartFX - Issue with LabelAngle and SetStep.html
  2. Hi, I'm looking to add a label of the total value of a stacked bar on a bar chart. Currently I use a separate series as scatter chart type with point labels. But I see there is a new feature listed under jChartFX 7.4.5649 (which I do have) in the release notes called "- Auto-Computed Total value in stacked series" Do you have any further information on this new "auto-computer" feature? How do we implement? Example? I don't see anything in the API manual on it. Chris
  3. Hi, We have come into an issue with jChartFX in displaying multi-series legend labels in a chart. In this case we are using a line chart. The problem is when the last series has null data (i.e. no data points), but there is a series label, that series label does not show on the legend. If there null series in the middle (like series 3 of 5) that label IS shown in the legend. The only workaround is to create a datapoint for the last series, then the legend label shows. Example attached. In the example attached there are 5 series. Series #3 and series #5 are null. You will see that series' 3 label (i.e. "Category3") is shown in the legend, but series' 5 label is not shown in the legend (i.e. "Category5"). Even though the data has no values, it is important to know that the series was included in the chart; it's just that there was no data. Chris jChartFX - Issue with null last series.html
  4. Hi Juan, That is great. It does work now that I moved the series label assignments before the "bringtofront." The only other minor issue I noticed is that the legend series order is rotated (unlike the tooltip where the order remains the same). But maybe that is intentional. I would ask that the documentation be updated to reflect this need to use bringtofront after all series assignments are done. Thank you so much for your help! Chris
  5. Hi, I believe I have found a bug when using the function "bringtofront" (or "sendtoback") regarding how the series items are displayed in the LegendBox. If you look at the two examples attached you will find that the first (jChartFX - Issue with broken legend A.html) correctly shows the series in the chart, in the tooltip and in the LegendBox. The second example (jChartFX - Issue with broken legend B.html) adds the "bringToFront" code and puts the desired line chart on top of the bar chart. The LegendBox now shows the incorrect color and marker style; the chart itself, and the tooltip keep the original colors and marker styles. Can you please assist and confirm this is an issue, or if there is a workaround we could do so that the LegendBox displays the items correctly? Thank you, Chris jChartFX - Issue with broken legend A.html jChartFX - Issue with broken legend B.html
  6. Hello, I'm working on getting a treemap chart working and what I want to do is base the size of the elements in the treemap based on series 0, and color based on series 1. However, it seems that basing the color (via condition) is using some other number (calculation maybe?) done inside the treemap code, or maybe it's ignoring setdataelement() function altogether? Removing the condition statements puts in the "normal" colors as defined in the css. Setting setDataElement (in the conditional attributes) to either 0 or 1 yields the same result (everything falls in the "green" color). As you can see in the data, series 1 has values that fall into the conditional attribute ranges for green, yellow and red. Here is the code: chart1 = new cfx.Chart(); // Set green for percentages greater than 2%; percentage is in series 1 var condition1 = new cfx.ConditionalAttributes(); condition1.getCondition().setDataElement(1); condition1.getCondition().setFrom(.02) condition1.setColor("#008000"); chart1.getConditionalAttributes().add(condition1); // Set yellow for percentages between -2% and 2%; percentage is in series 1 var condition2 = new cfx.ConditionalAttributes(); condition2.getCondition().setDataElement(1); condition2.getCondition().setFrom(0); condition2.getCondition().setTo(.02); condition2.getCondition().setToOpen(true); condition2.setColor("#FFFF00"); chart1.getConditionalAttributes().add(condition2); // Set red for percentages less than -2%; percentage is in series 1 var condition3 = new cfx.ConditionalAttributes(); condition3.getCondition().setDataElement(1); condition3.getCondition().setTo(0); condition3.getCondition().setToOpen(true); condition3.setColor("#FF0000"); chart1.getConditionalAttributes().add(condition3); // Data; 4 series var data = chart1.getData(); data.setItem(0, 0, 175); data.setItem(1, 0, -0.002); data.setItem(2, 0, 22); data.setItem(3, 0, 0.737); data.setItem(0, 1, 152); data.setItem(1, 1, -0.010); data.setItem(2, 1, 19); data.setItem(3, 1, 0.484); data.setItem(0, 2, 115); data.setItem(1, 2, -0.11); data.setItem(2, 2, 14); data.setItem(3, 2, -1.325); data.setItem(0, 3, 684); data.setItem(1, 3, -0.040); data.setItem(2, 3, 8); data.setItem(3, 3, -0.051); var treeMap = new cfx.treemap.TreeMap(); chart1.setGalleryAttributes(treeMap); chart1.getSeries().getItem(0).setVisible(true); chart1.getSeries().getItem(0).bringToFront(); chart1.getSeries().getItem(1).setVisible(false); chart1.getSeries().getItem(2).setVisible(false); chart1.getSeries().getItem(3).setVisible(false); var divHolder = document.getElementById('ChartDiv'); chart1.create(divHolder);
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