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Posts posted by ottodude125

  1. Hello


    I am having two issues with tooltips and any guidance would be greatly appreciated. My data consists of 8 series with "Date" being my x coordinates. The first two items I want to render as a bar and the other 5 items as a line. I am experiencing this same behaviour in both google chrome and firefox and have not tested any other browsers. I am using jchartfx 7.4.5596


    1) The first issue is tooltips not containing all data for a given date when I have two series setup as a bar graph

    a. When I render all items as lines the tooltip for each point contains all data values for that date. post-46655-0-80749200-1431618950_thumb.png

    b. When I render the first two items as bars then each tooltip only contains the data value for the specific point I hover over.  post-46655-0-02859600-1431618959_thumb.png


    2) The second issue is where the tooltip renders on the screen. I have two y axis, Y and Y2, one which is whole numbers and the other which is percentages. When I specify the right axis to be whole numbers and the left axis to be a decimal percentage the the tooltips for the lines using the right y axis(whole numbers) do not render over the point but instead render way outside of the graph. post-46655-0-29410400-1431628230_thumb.png When I switch the axis all the tooltips render within the table area but some tooltips popup over the lowest point instead of the actual point I'm on. 


    My Data Sample

    [{"Documentation Issues/Pins":0.0,"Clarification Issues/Pins":0.0,"Designs FTPd":24,"Designs w/Documentation Issues":16,"Designs w/Clarification Issues":19,"Linear (Documentation Issues/Pins)":0.0,"Linear (Clarification Issues/Pins)":0.0,"Date":"1Q14"},{"Documentation Issues/Pins":0.00939,"Clarification Issues/Pins":0.00313,"Designs FTPd":23,"Designs w/Documentation Issues":20,"Designs w/Clarification Issues":19,"Linear (Documentation Issues/Pins)":0.0,"Linear (Clarification Issues/Pins)":0.0,"Date":"2Q14"}]

    My jQuery Code

    window.FirQuartersChart = function(fir_quarts, firchart) {
    	var chartDiv;
    	chartDiv = document.getElementById('firQuartersChart');

    My HTML Code

    <div class="splitcontentleft" >
    	<div id="firQuartersChartBox" class="firQuartersChartBox" >
    		<div id="firQuartersChart" class="firQuartersChart" ></div>			
    		fir_quarts = <%= raw @fir_quarterly_history %>;
                    chart = new cfx.Chart();
    		document.ready = FirQuartersChart(fir_quarts, chart);

    My CSS Code

    div.splitcontentleft {
      float: left;
      width: 70%;
      margin-left: 10px;
    div#firQuartersChart {
      position: relative;
      z-index: 10;
      min-width: 310px;
      max-width: 90%; 
      height: 550px; 
      margin: 0 auto;    
  2. Thank you very much for the response!! It was much more detailed than I expected and very helpful.


    As a side note for anyone reading this down the road I am giving my coffeescript a chunk of json formated data for each graph which is then parsed before being passed to jchartFX. The data was similar to what I provided below except instead of there being one record there were fifty(50), and each of the twelve(12) graphs had a separate data set.


    Following the guidelines of the time trials above I ended up removing the following from my coffeescript code. By removing this I was able to get the page to load in on average about 6.5 seconds which is much more usable than the 14-16 seconds I was running into before.

    chart.getAnimations().getLoad().setEnabled true # animates drawing of graph
    titles = chart.getTitles()
    title.setText "Expected vs Worked/Flexed Hours"
    titles.add title
    chart.getLegendBox().setDock cfx.DockArea.Bottom   
    chart.getAllSeries().setBarShape cfx.BarShape.Cylinder
    chart.getAllSeries().setFillMode cfx.FillMode.Pattern
    chart.getAllSeries().setVolume 75

    The coffeescript code I ended up using is:

    chart.getAxisX().setStep 7
    chart.getData().setSeries 5
    chart.getSeries().getItem(0).setGallery cfx.Gallery.Bar
    chart.getSeries().getItem(1).setGallery cfx.Gallery.Bar
    chart.getAllSeries().setStackedStyle cfx.Stacked.Normal
    chart.getSeries().getItem(2).setGallery cfx.Gallery.Lines
    chart.getSeries().getItem(3).setGallery cfx.Gallery.Lines
    chart.setDataSource items
    chartDiv = document.getElementById("hoursPerDayHistory" + user["id"])
    chart.create chartDiv
  3. Not sure if its exactly what you are looking for but I was able to get the time data values to render on the x axix by changing




    Here is a screenshot of your code, with this one change, in action:



  4. I was going to try to help you but I've had several problems with your code you submitted and I am not sure exactly what you want. 



    Is this the code that you meant to submit? I have copied it exactly as you wrote and tried running it. Firstly I needed to comment out the following lines because you do not include how you got xAxis.


    Secondly from what you are saying it sounds like my graph is rendering differently from what your intentions were. I included a screenshot of my results and as you can see your code is rendering 1-10 on the xAxis. This contradicts what you stated in your description.



    Just as a side note when I hover over the bars I am getting the correct values in the popups. 



  5. I am creating a page that I displays twelve charts and each chart is a combination of two lines and a stacked bar. If I render the page with no charts it takes about 2.5 seconds to load. I have found that each additional call to my loadHoursChart() js function to add an additional chart to the page adds about 1 second to the page load time. With all these graphs the page is taking 14-16 seconds to load. I am wondering if anyone has any recommendations on how I can increase the speed of jchartfx so the page is more useable. I am not sure if I'm using jchartfx wrong or if it just wasnt designed to handle this large of a workload at once.


    The haml view code creating the chart section of the page is http://pastebin.com/WRLHXjY5

    The coffeescript code that renders these graphs is located at http://pastebin.com/Ruf2meru

    If any additional information is needed just let me know and I'll add it. Thank you for any help!!
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