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Posts posted by ashley26185

  1. Thanks Juan. i tried including only the 2 minimum files mentioned.


    However, I still faced an error

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'Version' of undefined(anonymous function) @ jchartfx.coreVector.js:1(anonymous function) @ jchartfx.coreVector.js:749(anonymous function) @ jchartfx.coreVector.js:749


    Am not a very advanced javascript/meteor user so wasn't really sure if it was supported or not. Maybe there's some workaround to this error.

  2. Hi,


    Can you provide some guidance on using JChartFX charts within a meteor.js application? Are there any constraints with doing this?


    The initial attempt at including jchartfx within a meteor application resulted in a couple of errors as follows

    - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'motif' of undefined(anonymous function) @ max.motif.aurora.js:6(anonymous function) @ max.motif.aurora.js:718(anonymous function) @ max.motif.aurora.js?33bda9c256c9390ed05d5b68b30cd110cac7a084:739

    max.motif.glow.js:6 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'motif' of undefined(anonymous function) @ max.motif.glow.js:6(anonymous function) @ max.motif.glow.js:848(anonymous function) @ max.motif.glow.js?60725812bd51ba364a2fb8b6839e16d419c2cf42:864
    Several such errors were received and I'm not sure if I am doing something wrong. These errors were received without trying to implement any of the charts. I have just included the files in the client/plugins folder.
    Thanks and Regards,


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