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How to remove lineargrandients and more




We are begining to develop with jChartFX in a demo product, we are using something similiar to this graph: http://www.jchartfx.com/demo.aspx#332c1395-7dc5-447d-8b92-6f93d47a2e06

But our application dont use nor gradients nor borders,

We would like to remove the main border container.

Also all the linear gradients: The background grandient, and the bar gradients.

I get my goal with this ugly code, bug if we want to use jChartFX in our final product, we need another solution.


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The code is:

function removeUglyChartFx() {
    jQuery('svg.jchartfx').each(function (index, value) {
        var removedChildren = new Array
        for (var i = 0; i this.childElementCount; i++) {
            if (this.childNodes.nodeName != 'svg') {
        for (var i = 0; i removedChildren.length; i++) {
        removeChildrenByNodeName('stop', this);
    //Quita la marca de agua pero tb la leyenda.
    //jQuery('.LegendItem').empty(); }
    function removeChildrenByNodeName(nodeName, svgObject) {
        var removedChildren = new Array
        for (var i = 0; i svgObject.childElementCount; i++) {
            if (svgObject.childNodes.nodeName == nodeName) {
            } else {
                removeChildrenByNodeName(nodeName, svgObject.childNodes);
        for (var i = 0; i(removedChildren.length - 1); i++) {

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 If you want a simpler looking chart you should use jchartfx.coreBasic instead of jchartfx.coreVector, this will give you simpler bars (no gradients or round bars) and a solid background.

Please note that removing or modifying the watermark is not supported under the license for our free component.


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Thank you.

Using jchartfx.coreBasic, gradients and borders does not appear in bars charts.

However we are using a 3d pie chart (the second example from gallery in section Pie-Doughnut-Pyramid) and the gradient for the border of the pie is still there...


How can we remove this lineargradient?


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You might want to try turning off the shadows in the View3D object as follows


The only drawback is that the color used for the "front" of the slices will be the same used for the "top", we are investigating whether to add a Shadow enumeration to do this or change Fixed to do it and have Realistic to do the gradient (Fixed and Realistic are the other enumeration values for Shadow along with None)




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