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Hiding a category on x axis




I'm trying to set up some real-time filtering on my charts. In this case, I want to be able to hide a group of data (not a series) via checkbox. It's a bar chart with volume on the Y and months on the X, and if a user wants to hide certain months, I'd like to be able to target that x-axis "column" (not sure if that's the right terminology) and then hide it, but much like hiding a series, make it so I don't have to reload all the data to do so. Is this possible? Because I'm not seeing it in the documentation, but I might not know the correct terms.


Edit - I messed around with getData.setItem(), and doing so would allow me to remove the bars, but not the actual "column" from the chart, so if that helps explain better what I'm looking to do.

Edited by JohnDeery
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We have no API that would allow you to remove a set of points/bars in the chart, you will have to keep the array that you supply the chart in the setDataSource call, and when the user wants to hide one or more points, remove them from the array and call setDataSource again.



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