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toUppserCase is not a function when using Motifs



I'm having an issue when trying to use Motifs in my charts. When adding in a call to the hook motif (and tested on others too), I'm seeing the following error:

TypeError: c.toUpperCase is not a function (jchartfx.motif.hook.js:21:309)

  • chart https://website/jchartfx/motifs/jchartfx.motif.hook.js:21
  • _Em https://website/js/jchartfx/jchartfx.system.js:4
  • _0_4 https://website/js/jchartfx/jchartfx.coreVector.js:710
  • e https://website/js/jchartfx/jchartfx.coreVector.js:691

I have tried to include jchartfx.motif.js and that doesn't fix it (in fact if I use that file and remove the actual motif, I still get the error), but according to the documentation from the main site it looks like I only need to include the motif.hook file.

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Can you please let us know the version of jchartfx you are using


Also can you duplicate this problem with a dummy chart on a test page?

The minimum set of files you would need to create a chart with a specific motif are jchartfx.system.js, jchartfx.coreVector.js and jchartfx.motif.hook.js



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2 hours ago, JuanC said:

Hi Juan,

I'm using 7.5.5900.27885. Everything seems to work until I add that file in, however I was able to set up a bare-bones example and I didn't get that error, so it looks like something else in my script it triggering it. I'm going to have another go at it to see if I can figure out what's up, thanks for looking in to it though!


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I was checking the source of our motifs and the code that uses toUpperCase is generally associated with code that tries to customize the look of the control when the object is created.

Are you passing any parameters to the new cfx.Chart() call ?

PS: You might want to try making a backup copy of your jChartFX scripts and downloading our most recent build from jchartfx.com



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