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Titles that are too long for a single line



We have some titles that are too long to fit on a single line.  We can tell that the control is wrapping them onto the second line, but the vertical space dedicated to the title is not increased so you can only see a fraction of the second title line.


Is there a way to auto-size the title box so that multiple lines are always visible?


If not, is there another solution to this issue?


Thanks in advance for your help! 

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3 answers to this question

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The current version of jChartFX does not support wrapping of text in titles, if your chart size is fixed, you could create multiple titles but obviously this won't work if the chart size is dynamic.


We will investigate adding support for this in future versions of the product.





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1) Our titles should support \r\n as a manual separator for multi line titles, there was a bug in 7.4.5649 that has been fixed in our internal builds that relates to the alignment used when painting multi line titles.


2) We will add support for a property called WordWrap to allow automatic word wrapping of titles, please note that this changes a little bit how our code allocates the sizes for titles, axes, etc. We will recommend only using word-wrap on either horizontal or vertical titles, but not both, as using word wrap on both could create situations where multiple passes are needed as each title could affect the space for titles on the other orientation which could in turn affect the first title and so on.


Our next unstable build will also include both of these changes if you want to test it before it is released.





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