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How to setup and use JChartFX in .NET Angular Project?



Hi Team

I am beginner in Web Application. While trying out the product, I am able to use the Charts in HTML Pages but when I try to perform the same in .NET SPA Project. I am not able to use JChartFX.. Could you guide me in how to proceed with it.

1. Install Node

2. Install Templates
>dotnet new --install Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaTemplates::*

3. View Installed Templates
>dotnet new -l

4. Create Angular Project
>dotnet new angular

5. Install Dependencies
>dotnet restore
>npm install

6. Open Visual Stdio
>start Angular.csproj

7. Remove Additional NavBars, etc and make Hello World Clean Template

8. HTML Reivew and Componentize    and implement in Angular.

9. Added Nuget Package

10. Not sure how to use JChartFX




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